Oberlin Blogs

Andrea Allen ’17

My name is Andrea. I'm a sophomore from northern California. I live and eat in Keep Co-op, and I'm double majoring in math and creative writing. I also work for the Resource Conservation Team, which you can learn about by coming down to the Free Store in the basement of Asia House sometime. I'm a little overcommitted, but I like all the things I do and my busy weeks are worth it.

I spend a lot my time on campus doing partner acrobatics, eating granola, running, and wishing for it to be sunny. After a year in Oberlin, it's started to feel like home. I hope that through blogging, I'll be able to share what that looks like for me.

Entries from this blogger

Be Here Now

October 10, 2014

I used to feel like I was wasting time because I wasn't doing "the other thing" that I needed to. I've learned a few things this semester so far about my sanity.


Learning How to Rest

July 25, 2014

I have a problem resting; I don't know how to do it, I don't believe it's necessary, and I think I can power through anything. I welcome with open arms any pieces of wisdom on how to address this.
